
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hello World!

     Wow! I can't believe it's finally happening! I'm writing a blog! For so many years I have wanted to write a blog- ever since I was a teenager. My parents were a little cautious at the time about whether it was safe for a 15 year old girl to say whatever she wanted to the world of the internet where who knows who could read it. Therefore I waited and now the time is right to write!
A little about me: My name is Camille Lloyd and I am a Wife, Homemaker and soon to be Mother! I live with my amazing husband Gilbert in the very small town of Hysham, Montana where my husband works as a ranch/farmhand and I work as a Homemaker. We are actually quite new to Hysham, we moved here in February of this year for Gilbert's new job with this ranch. Just before coming here we lived in Blackfoot, Idaho where I was finishing school online and he was working for a company that fumigated potatoes.
     I graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho in December of last year, and finished my internship in February of this year. I am FINALLY DONE with a very big accomplishment, and now I find myself looking around to find what I want to do next. Hmm....How 'bout a baby?!
     Yes! We are SO excited to meet our munchkin, who is currently- I am told by my fancy "What to Expect" app- the size of a sweet potato. That is 20 weeks on the nose for those who can't translate fruit & veg size to baby maturity. :) We find out the gender in about a week- we think it's a girl, but who knows?
     Like I said I am so excited to be blogging but there is a purpose (which isn't just for me to ramble on.:) I am writing to share with friends and family our crazy adventures, our joys and our let downs, and especially what I am learning being a FARMER'S WIFE. I love my cute farmer, he is the handsomest, hardworking-est, most amazing-est husband I could ask for. However, for a girl who comes from the thick heart of Salt Lake City it's a bit of a culture shock to be an intimate part of farm life and while I am actually LOVING IT! it is different and I want to share what I learn.
     The first few things I have learned are what the word "spring" means. Spring means burn piles- piles of garbage, wood, natural refuse and overgrowth that are thrown onto a huge pile of other like things and lit on fire. These piles burn all day and sometimes into the evening too. They put themselves out and the garbage is taken care of! Miracle! (Once when I was young my older brother was burning some weeds in our backyard, when the fire department showed up because a neighbor had seen the smoke and called the fire a little different. (Let's be honest here, it wasn't just once that the fire department, or at least the cops were called because of suspicious smoke coming from our back yard.)) I always get a little nervous when we light a bonfire, then walk away from it. THAT'S LEGAL?!?! Yes, it is, it's the way we deal with junk out here, and the neighbors don't call the cops! LOVE IT!
     The second thing "spring" can be interpreted to mean is muck boots. Actually, muck boots are life out here, but especially during the super muddy season just after melt off. I have a pair of muck boots because these are essential- my husband knew it and I didn't and boy am I grateful he purchased those! I LIVE in them when I go outside, anywhere that isn't my lawn. I remember seeing muck boots at family members homes who farm, and thinking how unattractive and cumbersome they were. WRONG- they are your feet's salvation and I just didn't know it.
     My husband and uncles who farm will tell you "spring" means no sleep!! There is so much of prepping the land, planting the crops, burning of ditches, watching of cows and calving that happens at all hours of the day and night that these brave hard working men (and the AWESOME women who keep their dinners warm at home) often don't get much sleep. How grateful I have learned to be for the farmers- without whom we wouldn't eat.
     These are the beginning of my learnings, and I am excited to learn more and to share more! You are welcome along for the ride, and trust me, at some points you're going to want to hold on tight!

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